Logo Meanig Of BTEC

Meaning and Symbolism of the Logo of Battambang Teacher Education College
The logo of Battambang Teacher Education College (BTEC) holds significant meaning and symbolism, representing the key values and mission of the institute. Here is a detailed explanation of each element:
1. Overall Triangle (BTEC): The overall shape of the logo is a triangle, symbolizing the management of the college. The triangle is formed by three equal angles, representing the formula 3 + 3 + 3, which signifies various aspects of the college's focus:
- 3: represents management: The college upholds three core values in its management approach – Justice, Correctness, and Transparency.
- 3: represents maintenance and protection : The college places strong emphasis on three key aspects of maintenance and protection – As a Father, as a Mother, and as a Child.
- 3: represents cooperation: The college actively engages in three levels of cooperation – National level, Regional level, and International level.
2. T and E as high as arrows: The letters T and E in the logo are designed to resemble arrows pointing upwards. This symbolizes the college's commitment to providing high-quality and competitive teacher education at both regional and global levels.
3. B and C lower:The letters B and C in the logo represent the name and location of the college - Battambang Teacher Education College.
4. Circular light and the seven rays: The circular light in the logo represents the enlightenment that comes from the college's high-quality teacher education. It signifies the institute's influence on the world through the seven rays, which represent the quality of training provided by the seven departments of the college:
- Department of Pedagogy
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Science
- Department of Languages
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Research and Library
5. Rice husk: The inclusion of a rice husk in the logo represents the livelihood of the people. It signifies that due to the high-quality teacher education and effective teaching provided by the college, individuals have the ability and potential to earn a living easily.
6. Romduol flower: The logo also incorporates the Romduol flower, which is a symbolic flower in Khmer culture.
7. Bo "Bo" in the logo represents the internal unity of the college's operations. It signifies the harmonious collaboration and teamwork within the college.
8. 2018: The number 2018 represents the year of establishment of the Battambang Teacher Education College. It serves as a reminder of the institute's inception and its continuous commitment to providing quality education.
9. វ.គ.ប: The letters "វ.គ.ប" represent the acronym of Battambang Teacher Education College in the Khmer language.
Overall, the logo of Battambang Teacher Education College is a powerful representation of the college's values, mission, and commitment to providing high-quality teacher education.